The Square Meter Campaign
The Buy a Square Meter for Monkeys Campaign
The primates who live at Monkeyland wish to own the land that they live and thrive on. Currently humans own the land, but you can help them to change this by buying a square meter of forest for them for R90 ($5). Read more about this innovative campaign by visiting the website Tax relief certificates are issued for all the squares you buy, so it is a win-win for all.
Is it legal for animals to own land? Yes, this is a totally above board deal, with legally binding agreements signed by both parties. The monkeys are the buyers and the humans are the sellers.
This campaign is with the mutual agreement of the existing landowners (humans) and the NPO South African Animal Sanctuary Alliance (SAASA). SAASA is fundamentally the voice for the primates of Monkeyland. The contractual agreement has been drawn up by Fluxmans Attorneys, South Africa’s leading Attorney firm and the process is under scrutiny of Mazars, a top 5 untainted South African Auditing company.
By helping them you are going to secure the future of a very special group of over 600 primates (monkeys, lemurs and apes) emanating from every corner of the world.
By helping, you will be part of a very innovative real estate deal where animals are the benefactors.
Every square meter of the property your donation buys for the primates is numbered and recorded. You will receive a donation number, related to the purchase of square meters which will be reflected on your tax clearance certificate.
You might ask yourself why are we doing this, why are we going through the hassle of getting legalities sorted and auditing companies on our backs? The answer is simple and one that you have heard a million times since March 2020…Because of Covid. Covid opened our eyes to a looming problem.
Not that the primates cared about Covid but people started having to double check their spending and making sure each coin counts. We looked at the property known as Monkeyland and realized that with very little effort this could be turned into a prime real-estate deal for humans – ample space for luxury apartments, safe for humans but not so much the monkeys.
Where would these 600+ sentient being go? They have family groups, they are close knit, they are after all loved! How to secure their place in the world, not just for now, but forever. When the humans who put these primates FIRST are gone, who will be left to care for them? Who will make sure their home stays safe forever?
YOU! You will care for them, by securing their final forever home. For them, their offspring and those who are still to come, in need of a final forever home. Your square will form part of the 216 000 squares these monkeys need. Your square, your R90 ($5) will make change. Not often are the small amounts seen as part of the bigger picture. Yet here at Monkeyland, we can guarantee you that every square is the same size and every single square counts. Be part of the 216000, be part of a change, be part of making a difference in the lives of those who need it most.